
Grant Award Budget Form (Excel)

  • You will first provide your Project Budget Detail by uploading this form to the designated form. 

After the Project Budget Detail Upload form, the final step is to select “budget” in the navigation bar, where you will be directed to the proposed budget entry page.

The total revenue budget at the bottom of the screen is populated from the amount you entered in the “amount requested” field on the first page of the application.

The amounts entered for each category should reflect that category total as entered in the Project Budget Detail Upload. You will not enter line items on this page, only the total amounts requested for each budget category. To do this, click the + sign next to the category name and enter the following information:

  • Item Type: Always select Non-Personnel
  • Name: Enter the name of the budget category
  • Direct Cost: Enter the total amount requested for that budget category

You do not need to enter any information in the narrative box as this information has already been collected in the Project Budget Detail Upload.

As you continue to add proposed budget category amounts, the total revenue and overall budget cost numbers will update at the bottom of your budget. Once your overall budget cost is displayed at $0, your budget is complete. If you see red text at the bottom indicating you have not yet entered the appropriate amounts to complete the budget, check that the category amounts add up to the amount listed in the “amount requested” field on the first page of the application.