All visitors to the public service locations of the California State Library may access our collections, while state government officials and employees with a State Library card may access a large portion of our collections online.

Braille and Talking Books
Learn about the free services and vast, searchable catalog available to eligible readers through our online directory of services and information about the Braille and Talking Book Library.

Online Catalogs
Find new and historic publications, photos, maps, reading material for eligible users of the National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled, and more in our online catalogs.

California History
Find the state’s premier collection of documents from and about California’s rich history, including thousands of rare books, documents, maps, newspapers, photographs, letters, paintings, and more.

Access third-party genealogy databases, California county genealogy indexes as well as our genealogy research guides, and unique files that contain information on people and events in California history.

Sutro Library
Our San Francisco branch holds philanthropist Adoph Sutro’s original collection, including publications dating from the 13th century and one of the largest genealogy collections in the United States.

Online Collections
Virtually visit the California State Library and remotely access our collections of historic photographs, drawings, prints, and 3D images, as well as view our online exhibits, including the California Gold Rush.

Government Publications
Visit the Library to access official U.S. government publications dating back to the nation’s founding and state documents from California’s beginnings to the present.

Access our extensive collection of primary and secondary sources with a focus on California law. Our collection also includes materials relating to federal legislation, and historical and international law.

Watch and listen to videos and podcasts produced by the staff of the California State Library, including interviews with reenactors of historical California figures and readings of our extensive haiku collection.