Services for California Public Libraries

The State Library provides resources and services to improve library services for all Californians. State Library staff administer federal and state funds to support library programs, services, and resources; develop and implement statewide library programs and initiatives; provide consulting services to libraries; collaborate with local, state and federal agencies; collect, compile and disseminate library statistics, directories, and stories; and support resource-sharing among the California library community.

Library Development Services

A team of staff who provide consulting and support for the library community.

Library Services and Technology Act

LSTA funds provide grant opportunities and fund statewide programs and initiatives for libraries in California.

About California Public Libraries

Directories, statistics, library laws, the California Library Services Act, and library cooperatives

Resources for Public Libraries

Collection Development

Discover resources provided by the State Library to help build your library’s print and digital collections


From databases to learning platforms, explore online resources provided by the State Library


Raise awareness of your library’s services and programs with marketing resources provided by the State Library