Student Success Cards for All Working Group Interest Form Questions

Please select your Library

First Name

Last Name

Phone Number


Re-Enter Email

Does your library currently have a Student Success Cards program?

How long have you been working on Student Success Cards with your library?

  • I have never worked on Student Success Cards.
  • 1 year.
  • 2 Years.
  • 3 Years.
  • 4 Years.
  • 5 or More Years.

Which of the following do you feel you have experience in when it comes to Student Success Cards? (Click all that apply).

  • Establishing and sustain partnerships.
  • Developing MOUs.
  • Describing program impact.
  • Collecting program data.
  • Raising awareness about Student Success Cards.
  • Working with school districts.

Which best describes your Student Success Cards program?

  • A large program with multiple school districts.
  • A medium size program with a few school districts.
  • A small program with only one school district.

Are you willing to commit to attending virtual working group meetings and helping develop Student Success Cards toolkits and trainings for California public library staff?

  • Yes.
  • No.

Is there anything else you would like us to know?