Peer Review Interest Form
Complete this form if you are interested in reviewing grant applications as a peer reviewer for California State Library.
Note: we are seeking reviewers with at least one year of experience working in libraries.
1. First name
2. Last name
3. Email
4. Reenter email
5. Include an alternate email if desired
6. Phone number
7. How long have you worked in libraries?
We are seeking reviewers with a minimum of one year experience. This experience is not limited to public libraries, nor to libraries in California.
- 1-2 years
- 3-5 years
- 6-10 years
- Over 10 years
8. Do you currently work, or have you worked previously, in a California public library?
- Yes
- No
9. If Yes, Select the California public library where you currently work or worked most recently.
10. List libraries where you have worked.
This is not limited to public libraries, nor to libraries in California. Enter “none” if there aren’t any.
11. Describe your experience working in libraries.
Include the type of library or libraries where you have worked (public, academic, special, law, etc.). Limit your response to 300 words maximum.
12. Select your area(s) of expertise in libraries.
13. Describe your experience related to any or all of the following:
- writing and/or reviewing grant proposals
- developing and/or managing project budgets
- planning and implementing grant funded projects
Include the type of organization where you gained this experience (library, nonprofit organization, school, etc.). Note: we are seeking reviewers with at least some experience. Limit your response to 300 words maximum.
14. Are you willing to undertake up to five hours of required training?
Training will include at least 90 minutes of live, virtual meetings.