California Freedom to Read Act

The Bill

The California Freedom to Read Act (AB 1825) requires every public library jurisdiction, as defined, that directly receives any state funding to establish, adopt, and maintain a written and publicly accessible collection development policy for its libraries by January 1, 2026, as specified in the bill.

The bill requires the adopted policy to be sent to the State Librarian and authorizes the State Librarian or their designee to provide technical assistance to public libraries in developing their collection development policy.

The State Librarian will accept policies via email at To submit your policy to the State Library, please email that address with a link to your library’s collection development policy. The State Library will use this checklist to approve the policies and will respond to you in a timely fashion if there are any necessary revisions.

Technical Assistance

State Library staff are available to provide technical assistance to libraries who need help with their policies. If you would like to speak with a State Library staff member about your policy or the bill, please email with your request.