The Schools and Libraries Division (SLD) of the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) provides affordable access to telecommunications services for all eligible schools and libraries in the United States. The USAC is a not-for-profit corporation appointed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to ensure that the benefits of telecommunications services reach students and communities across the country. The Program provides discounts on telecommunications services, Internet access and internal connections.
To participate, visit https://www.usac.org/e-rate/. If you have questions about the E-rate program or would like to schedule time to discuss how to participate, please email broadband@library.ca.gov.
To participate you will need a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) number from the federal government. You can check your UEI status and renew if needed at https://sam.gov/content/home.
California Teleconnect Fund
The California Public Utility Commission maintains a discount program for libraries similar to that offered through the E-Rate. As of January 2006, they apply the E-Rate discount first before applying the California Teleconnect Fund. To apply for the program, follow the link below.
CTF Application Submission – Community Based Organizations (CBOs)
- ALA E-Rate and Universal Service
- National School Lunch Program (NSLP) Participation Data for California School Districts
- Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) – Schools and Library Division (SLD)
- California Department of Education E-Rate Program
- E-Rate Client Services Bureau: 1-888-203-8100 (open Monday through Friday, 5 am to 5 pm PT.
- LSTA Eligibility for E-Rate (PDF)
- CSL Definition of a Library Branch and a Library Annex (E-Rate) (PDF)
For further information, email Broadband@library.ca.gov.