California Library Literacy Services provides funding, training, resources, and grant assistance to help libraries establish successful literacy services.
Libraries may participate in California Library Literacy Services’ adult literacy, family literacy, or English as a Second Language services.
Program Overview
California Library Literacy Services was developed in 1984 as the first statewide library-based adult literacy services program in the United States. Since then, library literacy programs have grown from 27 to 106 programs and have helped more than 300,000 adult learners and their families work on and achieve their reading, writing, digital, math, and other important goals and aspirations using the Roles & Goals Framework. These programs for adults and families are successful because public libraries are trusted spaces at the heart of the community.
California Library Literacy Services addresses the aspirations and needs of California adults and families. California has one of the lowest levels of adult basic skills in the nation—about 28% of the state’s adults read below a third-grade level and 36% have a similar level of numeracy.

California Library Literacy Services recognizes that adult learners have many assets and goals. Adult learners bring a wealth of life experience and may not be served best with a single fixed curriculum. Libraries are information-rich, welcoming environments where learners can flourish. Adults seek services because they want to meet their own goals, whether these are getting a better job, becoming a citizen, helping their children with homework or by reading stories, or becoming involved in their communities. For many adults, increasing literacy skills is a way to achieve goals, rather than a goal in itself, and helps provide the essential building blocks for lifelong learning, stronger families, a strong workforce, and an engaged electorate and community.
California Library Literacy Services is comprised of three core programs:
- Adult Literacy Services
- Family Literacy Services
- English as a Second Language Services
Program Information
California Library Literacy Services is provided to qualifying adults and families at no cost through their local public library. Learning can be provided in the following formats:
- One-to-one tutoring
- Small group classes (2-8 learners)
- Large classes (9+ learners)
- Walk-in or computer lab time
Learner Eligibility
Adult Literacy Services
Adults who are eligible to receive adult literacy services:
- are 16 years or older and not concurrently enrolled in high school or another degree granting program or college-degree program
- seek literacy services for themselves in English and can do the intake interview in English
- are willing to be assessed and complete an intake interview and assessment that includes reading and writing skills
- have established one or more personal learning goals related to reading and/or writing
- spend a large proportion of their tutoring or instructional time working on improving reading skills and/or writing skills
- have attended at least two tutoring sessions in the current program period
English as a Second Language Services
Adults who are eligible to receive English as a Second Language services:
- are 16 years or older and not concurrently enrolled in high school or another degree granting program or college-degree program
- seek literacy services for themselves although they may not be able to do the intake interview in English
- are willing to be assessed and complete an intake interview and assessment that includes listening and speaking skills
- have established one or more personal learning goals, including communication-related (listening and speaking) goals
- spend a large proportion of their tutoring or instructional time working on English language acquisition, conversational fluency, and pronunciation
- have attended at least two tutoring sessions in the current fiscal year
Family Literacy Services
Families who are eligible to receive family literacy services:
- Have one or more family members enrolled in California Library Literacy Services, or
- Include an adult with low literacy skills who are eligible-but-not-yet-enrolled in California Library Literacy Services
Mission, Values, and Program Essentials
Program coordinators and learners explain the CLLS approach in the video Learning Together: The Values that Shape California Library Literacy Services.
California Library Literacy Services partners with adults to enable them to develop their literacy skills, achieve their learning goals, and use library services effectively. California Library Literacy Services creates opportunities for individuals, families, and communities across California.
1. California Library Literacy Services Is Library-Based
Public libraries are uniquely suited to providing literacy services. The library is a trusted space at the heart of the community. It provides a welcoming, inclusive, and supportive environment, and it contains resources and services that support lifelong learning.
Program Essentials
- Literacy services are anchored by the public library. Tutoring is provided in the library. If tutoring is provided elsewhere, a strong connection to the library is made and maintained for all enrolled learners.
- All learners, their families, and program volunteers are supported in obtaining a library card.
- Program staff connect learners with library services and resources to help them and their families succeed.
- Program staff create a supportive and welcoming environment within the library for learners and their families.
2. California Library Literacy Services Is a Core Library Service
Literacy services contribute to the library’s mission to provide equity of access to lifelong learning opportunities. Literacy services also bring a new and diverse clientele to the library, increase the library’s visibility, and enhance community goodwill toward the library.
Program Essentials
- The local library provides funding and resources to support library literacy services.
- Library administration assigns dedicated, professional staff to library literacy services.
- Program staff are closely connected with library administration and other library staff.
- Library literacy services are included in the library’s story (e.g. in the strategic plan, annual report, etc.) and the library’s branding is included on literacy materials.
- Literacy services and all materials are provided at no cost to program participants.
3. California Library Literacy Services Is Learner-Driven
Learner-driven services empower learners to find their voice and strengths and achieve their goals in their major life roles as lifelong learners, family members, workers, and community members. Learner-driven services benefit the individual learner, help to build stronger workplaces, families, and communities, and add value to the library literacy program.
Program Essentials
- Adult learners set personal goals that guide instruction and shape learning.
- Library literacy services are provided one-to-one or in small groups (2-8 people) to provide individualized and learner-driven training.
- Library literacy services use a goal-based system to measure learners’ progress and achievements.
- Library literacy services provide programming that enables adult learners to meet and learn from each other.
- Adult learners strengthen their leadership skills through special initiatives, such as the Adult Learner Leadership Institute, as Adult Learners on Staff, and through other opportunities.
- Library literacy services recruit and train learners to serve as staff members, volunteers, and program ambassadors.
- Program staff connect people who require services that are not provided by California Library Literacy Services with other agencies that can better address their needs and goals.

4. California Library Literacy Services Is Community-Focused
Library literacy services have a strong community presence. Services are relevant and responsive to adult learners, their families, and their communities. Library literacy services are grounded in community knowledge that program staff generate by interacting with individuals and organizations in the library and the community on an ongoing basis.
Program Essentials
- Program staff develop services that align with their community’s aspirations.
- Program staff develop services that are responsive to the diversity of their community.
- Program staff take an asset-based approach when assessing and connecting with their community.
- Program staff create and sustain connections and partnerships with individuals, community-based organizations, and other local government agencies.
- Program staff develop cooperative relationships with other local literacy service providers and participate in existing adult literacy coalitions. (If no local coalition currently exists, library literacy staff shall assist in the establishment of such a coalition.)
5. California Library Literacy Services Is Volunteer-Supported
Tutors and other volunteers are fundamental to the success of California Library Literacy Services. Volunteers are advocates for the library and its literacy services, and they help library literacy programs reflect the library’s community. In turn, programs enrich volunteers’ lives, helping them develop expertise to succeed in the roles they play in the program, opening avenues of meaningful connections with others, and providing opportunities to practice and support lifelong learning in their community.
Program Essentials
- Program staff work to recruit volunteers who reflect the community’s demographic and cultural characteristics.
- Volunteer tutors are provided with tutor training before starting to work with a learner, and ongoing training opportunities thereafter.
- Volunteers are encouraged and supported in establishing and achieving their own goals as volunteers.
- Volunteers are provided with opportunities to serve as ambassadors for the library literacy program.
- Volunteer contributions are publicly and privately acknowledged.
6. California Library Literacy Services Staff Is Professionally Engaged
Professional development opportunities and training for program staff and volunteers are fundamental to ensuring high-quality adult and family library literacy services.
Program Essentials
- Program staff participate in California Library Literacy Services regional networks to share information and learn from one another.
- Program staff seek out and participate in local, regional, and statewide library literacy professional development and training opportunities.
- Program staff seek out and implement effective and evidence-based strategies in providing literacy services.
- The library literacy program encourages and supports innovation and the evaluation and sharing of innovative efforts.
- The library literacy program supports and encourages a culture of learning and continuing education through virtual, in-person, experiential, or open and ongoing communication.
7. California Library Literacy Services Supports Families
Family Literacy Services contribute to strong communities and families, and celebrate curiosity, inquiry, and joyful discovery. Family Literacy Services connect and engage families with programming, resources, and each other.
Services are based on proven practices, building on community and family strengths, supporting home literacy practices, and honoring learner aspirations. Family Literacy Services align with all other California Library Literacy Services Program Essentials.
Program Essentials
- Family Literacy Services focus on adult literacy learners and their family members of all ages. Adult learners are either already enrolled in a CLLS program or are eligible to be enrolled.
- Program staff provide services in the library and through community outreach.
- Program staff include principles of equity, diversity, inclusion, and belonging in program planning and delivery.
- Literacy program staff collaborate with other library departments and staff.
- Program staff engage adult learners in designing services based on learners’ aspirations as family members.
- Program staff offer learning opportunities that foster meaningful social bonds.
- Program staff design programming that can engage adults in several ways: together with families, separately from families, and for enrolled learners, in conjunction with tutoring sessions.
- Family literacy programs may offer materials including new books, kits, games and other learning supplies for adult learners and their families to select, keep and enjoy at home.
- Program staff regularly assess and evaluate programming.
Listservs and Regional Literacy Networks
California Library Literacy Services Listservs
Important California Library Literacy Services program information is primarily communicated through the California Library Literacy Services listservs. The listservs also serve as a forum for literacy coordinators and other literacy staff to connect, ask questions, and share information. Literacy coordinators who are not members of the listservs should contact your California Library Literacy Services state grant team at
Regional Literacy Networks
California Library Literacy Services’ programs are grouped into eight regional literacy networks.
Regional Literacy Networks meeting several times a year to network with neighboring literacy program, for training, and to exchange information. The meetings help literacy staff improve their knowledge and skills, connect with colleagues, and take on leadership roles.
Library literacy coordinators who are not members of their local regional networks should contact your California Library Literacy Services state grant team at to get connected.
- Bay Area Literacy Network (BALit)
- Central Valley Library Literacy Network (CVLLN)
- Inland Literacy Network (ILN)
- North Central Coast Library Literacy Network (NCCLLN)
- Northern California Literacy Coalition (NCLC)
- Southern Central Coast Literacy Providers (SCCLP)
- Southern California Library Literacy Network (SCLLN)
Logos and Acknowledgements
More information about California Library Literacy Services grant-specific programming planning and guidance can be found on the Manage Your Current Grant.
California Library Literacy Services programs must use the following logo use and acknowledgment guidelines on any webpage or printed materials regarding the California Library Literacy Services program.
Please include the following acknowledgement statements on all California Library Literacy Services promotional materials:
California Library Literacy Services is a project of the California State Library, supported with funds from the State of California.
California State Library Logo
California Library Literacy Services Logo
To use the following logo, right-click the image and choose “Save image…” or “Download image…” to save the image to your computer.