Building Forward: Library Infrastructure Grant Program FAQ
Updated 4/5/2022
These FAQs will be updated as questions are submitted. Questions not addressed below should be emailed to by 5:00 pm on March 11, 2022.
The Application
The guidelines state that the maximum grant award is $10 million. If our city/county/library district has multiple library facilities, are we limited to $10 million total for all sites?
No. If a city/county/library district has multiple facilities, it may apply for up to $10 million in grant funds for each facility. The maximum award for a specific site is $10 million.
Who should submit the application if the library is its own special district?
The governing body for the library facility should submit the application. Cities, counties, and official library districts are eligible to apply.
My library is owned by the city and operated by the county. Which entity should submit the application?
The entity that will directly oversee the project and administer grant and matching funds must submit the application.
We are submitting an application on behalf of a city government. Can the City Librarian act as the “Authorized Representative” to approve and certify our application?
The “authorized representative” should be the person that is legally allowed to sign agreements on behalf of the organization that is eligible to receive these grant funds — a city, county, or federally-recognized library jurisdiction. For a City, this would typically be the City Manager or Mayor, depending on the city’s form of government. Depending on your organization’s internal processes, you should verify who in your organization fills this role, and ask that person to sign off on/certify the application before it is submitted. If your organization’s governing body seeks to designate an alternate for this grant, we would need an approved resolution to this effect to be submitted with the application.
I work for a county or city library. Can I apply for a Building Forward grant as long as the authorizing representative for my county or city certifies the application?
No. Application Profiles and applications must be submitted by the organizations that will directly receive and administer the grant funds – cities, counties, or official library districts. Departments or individual libraries within these organization types are not directly eligible to apply. Applicant eligibility will be verified before applications are authorized to proceed for review and evaluation. Therefore, it is important that information in the Applicant Profile section accurately reflects an eligible organization type. Reminder: Cities, counties, and library districts applying for funds for more than one library building should do so under their main applicant profile.
Our City Library has a division dedicated to capital projects. Is that division eligible to apply?
No. While your capital projects division may prepare the application, it would need to be submitted on behalf of your organization. Applications need to be certified by the authorized representative for the applicant organization – for example the City Manager or County Executive Officer. If awarded, a resolution from the applicant organization’s governing body will be required, authorizing the submission of the application, acceptance of grant funds, and designating the Authorized Representative with the authority to enter into agreements on behalf of the organization.
Are college, university or law libraries eligible to apply?
No. The intent of this grant program is to assist local public libraries, which can be seen in the language regarding library jurisdictions and the use of LIPC. College, university or county law libraries are included in a different section of the state budget.
May an applicant not selected in the first round submit the same project in a later round?
If my organization submitted a project during the pre-application period, do we need to submit the same project for the full application?
No. Applicants are not bound to the project submitted during the pre-application period. All applicants should review the grant program guidelines and submit the project that they feel best meets the eligibility guidelines.
How is the California Poverty Measure calculated for each library?
The California Poverty Measure is an index based on methodology developed by the Public Policy Institute of California in partnership with the Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality. Information on the California Poverty Measure can be found on the PPIC website. The most recent California Poverty Measure data for libraries can be found on the Building Forward web page.
Should letters of support be submitted with the application? If so, do they count as one of the 3 items of Supporting Documentation?
Due to the range of project needs, the type of supporting documentation is flexible. As part of the three items allowed, an applicant organization should include whatever it feels best explains and/or justifies the need for its project. Letters of support are not required. However, if submitting letters of support, they would be uploaded as part of the three items of supporting documentation.
Do we have to use the provided budget plan template? Will a report or estimates in another format be accepted?
Yes, applicants must use the provided budget plan template. If desired, additional cost reports or estimates should be added as an attachment under the Supplemental Documentation section of the Project Details page.
Eligible Projects and Costs
Is [my example item] an allowable or eligible expense? I don’t see it on the list of eligible or ineligible items.
The list of ineligible items is intended to provide examples of spending that will not be considered. An item or activity not appearing on the ineligible items list doesn’t mean the item or activity is automatically eligible.
Spending priorities for these infrastructure funds are clearly stated in the state budget creating this program. Those priorities are also repeated in the application materials provided by the State Library.
It is incumbent upon the applicant to carefully review the priorities and eligibility criteria to ensure their project fits within the Building Forward program’s requirements.
Is it ok to include multiple “projects” at one building in one application?
Yes. A project may include multiple eligible activities needed to address life safety and critical maintenance issues at a building.
What if my project cannot be completed within the grant period?
All grant funded work must be completed by March 31, 2026. Extensions beyond this date will not be considered. Applications for projects that cannot be completed by March 31, 2026 will be deemed ineligible. Please note: “Grant funded work” may refer to subprojects of a larger project. Eligible organizations are welcome to apply for funding for these subprojects, as long as the subproject will be completed by March 31, 2026.
Does the budget section of the application need to be based on formal bids from selected contractors or can planning estimates be used?
Planning estimates may be used for the budget section of the application. This section will ask applicants to explain how these estimates were determined. If awarded, grantees may be required to submit cost updates upon request from the State Library. Note: Grantees will be required to submit a grant modification request if costs change from those included in the application.
What if my project is already in progress?
Projects in progress are eligible. However, the scope of work supported by grant funds must be specific and limited to work that would begin after the execution of the grant agreement by both parties and completed within the grant period.
What are the requirements for procuring goods or services? Is a formal Request for Proposal or bidding process required?
Grantees must follow their organization’s written policies and procedures regarding procurement, as well as all applicable local, state, and federal policies and procedures regarding procurement and contracting. Any further questions should be referred to the applicant’s legal counsel.
If a project involves a purchase of a property for new construction, what documentation would be required?
If an eligible new construction project involves purchase of a property, required documentation may include (but is not limited to) a fully-executed purchase agreement, and an implementation plan confirming that all grant-funded work will be completed by March 31, 2026.
We are in the process of transferring ownership of a facility. Can we still apply?
Yes. However, if awarded, full ownership of the property will be required before a grant agreement is executed.
Does an option to extend a lease satisfy the requirements regarding projects on leased properties?
No. A lease option does not satisfy this requirement.
For the budget form, what would be considered “equipment” and what would be considered “materials and supplies”?
For this grant, “equipment” would be things that are installed that have a longer lifespan than the “materials & supplies” used to get the job done. For example, equipment could be things like HVAC units or generators. Materials and supplies could be things like drywall or nails.
Allowable Expenditures
Is construction of a new library an eligible cost under this grant?
Yes, although new construction projects will generally be considered non-critical (a lower funding priority), unless the applicant can demonstrate that construction of a new facility is more cost effective than repairing or rehabilitating an existing facility. Applicants should clearly detail and justify cost-effectiveness in their application. If cost-effectiveness can be shown, then the project would be considered “critical”. Please note: Expansion of an existing facility – as in, adding new interior or exterior spaces – will also be considered non-critical.
Are projects located at leased properties eligible for funding?
Yes. However, the State requires a lease term of least ten years following the completion of the project.
Are planning or design costs allowable?
Yes, if these costs are essential to the project, incurred within the grant period, and included in the project application. However, costs for community engagement processes are not eligible.
Are storage and moving costs an allowable expense under this grant?
No. Please see the Grant Guidelines for more detail regarding eligible and ineligible costs.
Would construction costs for an outdoor library venue be eligible for this grant?
A project related to an existing outdoor space may be allowable if it can be considered life safety or critical maintenance. However, projects specifically to expand or create new spaces are not eligible.
Would a project/construction manager or developer to oversee and execute the project be an allowable cost?
Yes. Please see the Grant Guidelines for more detail regarding eligible and ineligible costs.
Will bids or estimates be required with the application?
No, however all related documentation should be kept on file and ready to submit upon request to the State Library for necessary reporting, internal auditing, or verification.
Will administrative costs be allowable under this grant?
Yes, administrative costs up to 10% of the total grant amount are allowed.
Will indirect costs be allowable under this grant?
Matching Funds
How do we request a reduction to our required match? Is there a template for the application?
Go to the Required Match section of the application (page 4). Answer “No” in response to the question, “Are you able to match funds on a dollar-for-dollar basis?” The reduction request justification questions will appear. Please note: LIPC levels will be verified during the application review process. Reduction requests are not guaranteed.
My library district has a local operating income per capita (LIPC) of $14. Is my local match requirement eliminated?
No. Reduction or elimination of the required match is not automatic. Based upon LIPC levels, you may request to have your required match reduced when submitting your application. Upon review, your Match Reduction Request may be granted, partially granted, or not granted. Current LIPC data is available on the Building Forward web page.
How should I create a budget if I am not sure if my match reduction request is approved?
You should submit your application based upon the requested match reduction. Match reduction is not guaranteed. Upon review of the match reduction request, your match request may be granted, partially granted, or not granted. As applicable, you will have an opportunity to update your budget documents based upon the outcome of the match reduction review.
Can an in-kind or a non-cash contribution be counted toward the required match funds?
No. Match funding must be a “cash” contribution. However, the grant application does request applications to list all sources of funding, including cash match. If awarded, grantees will be required to report contributions from all sources listed in the application, including in-kind and non-cash contributions.
What are allowable sources for matching funds?
Because Building Forward is a State funded grant, other State funds cannot be included in the match. Funds may come from most other sources but must represent a direct “cash” match. General funds, reserve funds, bond funds, borrowed funds, other grant funding and Federal funds would all be acceptable sources for the grant matching funds. Applicants are required to identify all funding sources in their application.
How will match funds need to be documented?
If awarded, a letter from your chief financial officer, finance director, or similar attesting to the availability of match funds will be required before grant funds are disbursed. Any additional documentation related to match funding or expenditures should be kept on file and ready to submit upon request to the State Library for necessary reporting, internal auditing, or verification.
When will match funds be required to be obligated or expended?
Match funds should be expended at a rate equivalent to grant funds. Proof of match-funded expenditures may be required as part of grant reporting.
My organization does not currently have the required cash match funds, but we anticipate that it funds will be available by the grant start date — if awarded. May we count these funds toward the cash match requirement on the application?
If awarded, the required cash match will need to be spent concurrently with grant funds. Match funds from projected sources like fundraisers are not acceptable forms and should not be included on the application. Match funds from other sources that are included or allocated in your organizations budget for the next fiscal year, may be included on the application. However, we may request that your organization’s Finance Director (or equivalent) provide written clarification.
Furthermore, if awarded, your organization’s Finance Director (or equivalent) will need to certify that match funds are available and able to be spent concurrently with grant funding, prior to executing a grant agreement. The State may reserve the right to rescind a grant award if it is found that cash match funds are not available as required.
Project Funding
What if additional and unexpected work is required to complete the project resulting in the need for additional funds?
We understand that unexpected costs are common with construction projects. We recommend to factor contingency funds into your original budget (maximum 10%). You will be asked to detail your methodology in calculating this line item in the application. If a need for additional funding arises during the grant period, grantees may submit a Grant Modification Request. The State Library cannot guarantee the availability of additional funds. The grantee shall be responsible for any additional funding necessary to complete the project. Any adjustment in awards must be met with an equitable increase in local match funds.
Will there be any flexibility with the estimates/price quotes?
Yes. Any adjustments in the project budget as submitted with the application should be reflected in a Grant Modification Request submitted to the State Library for approval.