California Newspapers

Our extensive collection of California newspapers is one of the California History Section’s treasures. Dating back to 1846, it consists of more than 2,200 titles and includes long runs of at least one title from each of the 58 counties. The majority of our newspapers are on microfilm. However, we also have a number of specimen newspapers, and provide online access to several newspaper databases. If you have questions about any of our newspaper resources please feel free to ask us a question.

County Newspapers on Microfilm


Are you searching for a California obituary? We would be happy to help you! We send our microfilm to local libraries all over the United States and Canada so that you can look up items like obituaries. Here is how you can obtain a reel:

If you know:

  • The death date
  • The city or county of residence
  • The title of a regional newspaper
Contact your local library and ask about their interlibrary loan services so that they can arrange a loan for you.

If you do not know:

  • The death date
  • The city or county of residence
  • The title of a regional newspaper
Contact us for advice prior to placing an interlibrary loan.
If you live outside of the United States or Canada, please contact us about other possible research options.


To accommodate researchers who choose to visit us, we provide access to digital microfilm scanners that allow you to email or save scans to a flash-drive free of charge. We also permit no-flash photography of our specimen or bound newspapers.

Remote Access

If you live in the United States or Canada but cannot visit us, you can still use our newspaper collection remotely. All you have to do is request our newspapers on microfilm through inter-library loan at your local library. If you have any questions about this process please feel free to contact us.