California History Room Databases
Searching for something hard to find? These databases provide detailed information about specific resources within our collections, including selected periodicals, manuscript collections, books and more! If you are still can’t find what you’re looking for, consider consulting our research guides, contacting us or coming in to search our unique analog indexes!

Our main database, the Catalog, will help you find books, documents, legal materials, magazines, journals, photographs, manuscripts, maps, videos, and more in the overall California State Library collection including the California History Section.

California Information File II
A continuation of the analog California Information File I, this specialized database contains more than 95,000 references to California people, places, events, and subjects as they appear in the California History Section’s periodical, manuscript, postcard and ephemera collections.

Telephone Directories
The California History Room has telephone directories covering 1878 forward in a variety of formats (paper, microfilm and microfiche). This database lets you determine if we have the specific telephone directory you need.

City and County Directories
The California History Room has city and county directories in several formats: paper, microfilm, and microfiche. This database lets you determine if we have the specific city directory you need, and it gives you the format and location.

Gladding McBean Company Archives Index
The Gladding McBean Company manufactured decorative architectural elements from terra cotta at its factory in Lincoln. This database is an index of the Gladding McBean Company manuscript and Gladding McBean Company photo collections containing references to over 6,500 projects.

Subscription Databases
The California State Library subscribes to a wide variety of 3rd party databases that provide access to academic journals, e-books, legal information, and genealogical databases, many of which are California history related. These databases are accessible to current State Employees and anyone visiting the library.