Acceptable Internet Use Policy

Public Internet workstations provide ready access to online information for people using the reading rooms of the California State Library. The California State Library is a research library. Internet users are expected to use state computers only for access to State Library services and resources. Access to Internet workstations is provided on a first-come first-served basis.

Users are encouraged to email material they want from the Internet to their personal email accounts in order to save or print on their own systems. Individual user E-mail accounts are not provided. They may also download to a USB storage device.

For privacy and security reasons, users should not transmit personal information, including financial information, over the public access computers. The State Library is not responsible for any loss incurred by a user transmitting or receiving personal or financial data at a State Library Internet workstation.

Internet users are not allowed to attach devices other than headphones and USB storage devices to State Library public-use computers.

Use of State Library Internet workstations that violates any law, copyright, licensing agreement, or the privacy of anyone is strictly prohibited. Prohibited Internet use also includes, but is not limited to:

  • View, distribute, or display visual depictions that are obscene, harmful to minors, or constitute child pornography;
  • Misrepresent oneself, for fraudulent or illegal purposes, as another user;
  • Attempt to modify, disrupt or gain access to files, passwords, or data belonging to others;
  • Seek unauthorized access to any computer system;
  • Download unauthorized software, including any activity related to torrents, including torrent trackers and downloading torrents;
  • Violate any federal, state, local or library laws or regulations

Violation of the California State Library Acceptable Internet Use Policy or the general rules and policies of the Library will result in the suspension or termination of Internet use privileges and/or suspension or termination of State Library privileges.